Sunday, November 23, 2008


too busy to study my nihongo...
usually do it over lunch.. but asik keluar je lunch...
after office... too busy too...
hopefully next week can continue...
i can totally remember hiragana... but katakana slow... I know the symbols but sometimes cannot remember...

tambah pulak with my office PC being upgraded..
dulu windows 2000.. now windows xp...
and dunno why XP punye IME to type japan is so complicated!!! arghhh im ready to tear my brains out....
coz it screwed up all my PC...
aku tanak tulis jepun.. pun tetiba jadik jepun.. so freakin lecehh...
why cant it be simple like win2000.....
Im too busy to figure it out.. later lah....

but ive already printed and jilidkan my colloqial japanese book..
seriusly.... best aa buku tu......
if only I have time to read it!!!